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Feline Adoptions

KARES has partnered with feline rescue organizations to help find loving homes for these adoptable cats and kittens, ensuring they receive they find their forever homes.  Click here to see the wonderful cats and kittens who are available for adoption.

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Rescue Stories

Stormy's Story


Bailey's Rescue Update - January 28, 2025

Sadie was found in Ocean View, in June of 2024, in the middle of the highway, flat on her back with both front legs fractured. A Good Samaritan, thinking she was dead pulled over to get her off the road. Sadie required extensive surgery to repair her two front legs that had been broken. KARES supporters generously donated to the $6000 vet bill. Today, We received an heartwarming update about Sadie, who was found with two broken legs in Ocean View in June 2024. She has since recovered and now is named Bailey! Her new family sent us this message: I just wanted you to know that Bailey is doing fantastic! She is a kolohe little girl who has discovered the joy of our fruiting avocado tree and gained several pounds! 😂 She gets the zoomies now and is actually able to play and run thanks to the fantastic surgical team who repaired her front legs. Thank you for all you do! ❤️❤️ Without the generous donations of KARES followers, Bailey's story might have had a different ending. Thank you for donating to Bailey and every other animal when we ask for assistance. Your donations allow us to continue the lifesaving work for our Big Island neglected, abandoned, and abused animals. Mahalo.

Callie's Rescue - October 16, 2024

October 16, 2024 She is going to make it! Our prayers were answered. More surgeries to come, this was only the first step. As KARES gets updates I promise to share. Isn't it amazing what our community can achieve when everyone works together? WOW!

Evening Update 10/15/2024 Ok everyone, please accept this brief update for tonight, more info tomorrow I promise. It has been an exhausting, long day, not only due to this rescue but others too. First and foremost our sad dog, we have named Callie, is alive and hopefully will survive. 1) The dog was on the fence trying to escape the first Good Samaritan who saved her. This person came upon her and we don't know where or how, but I have been assured by animal control that they will get to the bottom of this. I trust that they will. 2) The injuries are consistent with the dog getting caught in a snare.Snares are illegal in Hawaii. 3) Matt Runnells ,from Animal Control, has been a joy to work with. We have been in constant communication today. 4) Callie has been moved, as evidence, to a secure location under the care of the state certified veterinarian. She has become evidence in order to pursue possible animal cruelty charges. 5) Matt Runnell's promised a photo, hopefully tomorrow, to ease our worried minds. 6) We must encourage the prosecuting attorney's office to go after the culprit that caused this dog great suffering. Now, from KARES... You all have been in incredible support to us and the animals we save, together. We couldn't do it without community support. We are fighting the good fight... saving them one animal at a time. Good night and God bless you all! Debbie Cravatta


October 15, 2024 - Now here is what Animal Control should be focusing on.‼️ Found hanging on a fence in Ainaloa. Obviously her mouth was wired shut. The hole on the other side of her mouth is much worse. She also has punctures on her chest from the fence. Of course the Good Samaritan is calling the police and Animal Control at this very minute. I will make every attempt to find out exactly when they respond and what they do to press charges against the evil, sick person living at the house. KARES is rushing her to Maika’i Vet for emergency treatment. Please go to to donate to cover her medical bills. Mahalo!

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July 2024

January 2025

Patches Rescue Story

KARES is truly appreciative of the support we have received on behalf of Brigid who operates Friends of Menehune for her recent court summons from Animal Control. It is true that KARES was scheduled to meet with Mayor Roth, Matt Runnells and other county staff on Tuesday, October 8th. Unfortunately, events leading up to this meeting caused KARES to question the authenticity of the county’s desire to work together with no kill rescue organizations. Here is Patches story. Patches is not the dog involved with Brigid's case, but another dog that was found as a stray. The Facts: On Thursday, October 3rd at exactly 5:03PM, KARES received a call from AVID the microchip company. A dog owned by KARES was picked up. She was chipped in 2015 making her at least 9 years old. Breed: Whippet. We immediately reached out to animal control to retrieve her. NO ANSWER. (By this time animal control should have called KARES to inform us she was safe and where we could pick her up. Next day, Friday, October 4th, we made numerous calls to animal control to arrange pick up. NO ANSWER. (Why hadn't they called KARES to tell us they had her...very disturbing) Saturday, October 5th, we called animal control all day leaving messages. Finally, someone answered. Problem is we were not allowed to pick up the dog that day for some nonsensical reason. Sunday, October 6th animal control did not call us, so we called them all day leaving messages. NO ANSWER. Monday, October 7th, finally we received a call from an animal control officer. Now they are talking about fees and that someone said the dog was vicious. Things went downhill quickly. Debbie, Founder OF KARES, immediately reached out to Matt Runnells and Mayor Roth. NO ANSWER. Tuesday, October 8th, Matt Runnells, Animal Control Administrator, called Debbie. A twenty minute, confrontational, rather heated phone call occurred only escalated her fear of Patches' fate. They wanted to kill Patches, the nine-year-old whippet stuck in lock up now for six days, SIX DAYS!!!! How would any dog or human react in such a scary, dangerous environment? October 9th, Wednesday, Mitch Roth calls Debbie. He said he would look into her concerns and call her back. NO CALL BACK. Yesterday, October 9th Sweet Patches was finally released "on bail" almost one week after her capture. Now our county officials want you to believe what they say and not what you see with your very own eyes! Based on the photos, does Patches look vicious to you? She immediately was friendly and affectionate to Karen, the KARES volunteer who transported her. Last night she happily settled onto her new bed surrounded by her foster family who were delighted to have her. May we suggest that the county contract with a Professional Canine Behaviorist to provide the necessary education to AC staff on how to properly assess newly admitted frightened dogs in a shelter environment before they kill them? According to Animal Control’s own numbers, for last year (July 1, 2023, thru June 30, 2024) the total animal intake was 2905 animals. Out of the 2905 animals brought in, 407 were redeemed by owners and 1310 animals were transferred to other rescue organizations, leaving the number of animals in their care at 1,188. Per their own reporting, 1,167 animals were killed bringing AC’s disposal rate, in garbage bags, to 98%. For this year, AC has only reported for July. Out of 278 reported as intakes, 33 were redeemed by owners and 103 have been transferred to other rescue organizations. The remaining animals in AC’s care is 142. Eight animals died in their care and 134 were killed which means their mortality rate to date for this fiscal year is 94%. The animals who died in their care are not part of the kill count as they could have died while being transported or they were found deceased. This information is published under the Freedom of Information Act and can be found on the Hawaii County website. On a final note, until the County embraces the No-Kill Programs, that have been proven highly successful in communities around the world, there will be friction between us. KARES is, and will remain, 100% no-kill of healthy animals. Mahalo for your continued support for our Big Island animals.

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Our Facebook Feed is a great place to check for lost and found pets as well as dogs and cats who are in need of foster and adoptive homes.  As much as we try to keep the website updated with the most current information, often we are in rescue mode. Our dedicated volunteers make sure to quickly post lost and found pets when we are contacted.  Please visit our Facebook page!

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